Introduction A while back there was an internet meme going around in functional programming circles called My Road to Lisp . It was a survey that you would fill out, and share with others that documented how you came to "get" the programming language Lisp. It asked the following questions: When did you first try Lisp seriously, and which Lisp family member was it? Many of us had multiple run-ins with Lisp before it “stuck”. The “stick” date is of most interest, but you can share earlier encounters if you like. What led you to try Lisp? What other languages have you been using most? How far have you gotten in your study of Lisp? I know this is hard to quantify. Just wing it. What do you think of Lisp so far? I think the idea behind this survey was twofold. First, Lisp is pretty rare language. If you've started to understand it's subtlety, simplicity, and power, you'll probably be hard pressed to find anyone you work with who's knows it...
Practical, Engineering perspectives on Ontological Mathematics as provided by the Pythagorean Illuminati.