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Showing posts from 2020

Ontological Mathematics for Engineers: Controlled Paradoxes -- a "Digalog".

Introduction America: the land of the double cheeseburger, large fries, and a diet coke : that weirdly normal land of mini-trucks , working vacations , and negative income . Everyone wants the thing that is not the thing. Because once you have A and not-A, then you can prove anything. This post is going to be more of an experiment: an exploration of how one can start thinking upon mastering the generator functions  of OM (or at least some of them). In other words, this is your brain on Ontological Mathematics (*1). I feel I've read enough of their books such that I can start "improvising", or "riffing" on some original ideas of my own i.e. not just a dialog, but a  digalog. *1 or perhaps I should say this is your mind on Ontological Mathematics. Thus in that spirit, we introduce the concept of the controlled paradox . A Controlled Paradox (CP) is not an official OM concept (*2), but there are lots of places in OM (as well as philosophy and nature in ...

Blockchain and Bitcoin

Ontological Mathematics for Engineers: Blockchain and Bitcoin. In which we use the language of Ontological Mathematics to help us understand Blockchain and Bitcoin technologies. - "Mathematics is where essence and existence are identical." - "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest other people spend it for you. --- Carl Sandburg" - "Blockchain is the original God, Bitcoin its prophet, and the Altcoins are the disciples." - "Immutability changes everything." Introduction In this post, another entry in the Ontological Mathematics for Engineers series (or its implicit co-series Engineering for Ontological Mathematicians ), we primarily focus on the Blockchain and, to a lesser extent, its more widely known cousin Bitcoin. What makes this write-up unique is that we will be using the language of Ontological Mathematics (OM) to help us achieve our obj...