Introduction America: the land of the double cheeseburger, large fries, and a diet coke : that weirdly normal land of mini-trucks , working vacations , and negative income . Everyone wants the thing that is not the thing. Because once you have A and not-A, then you can prove anything. This post is going to be more of an experiment: an exploration of how one can start thinking upon mastering the generator functions of OM (or at least some of them). In other words, this is your brain on Ontological Mathematics (*1). I feel I've read enough of their books such that I can start "improvising", or "riffing" on some original ideas of my own i.e. not just a dialog, but a digalog. *1 or perhaps I should say this is your mind on Ontological Mathematics. Thus in that spirit, we introduce the concept of the controlled paradox . A Controlled Paradox (CP) is not an official OM concept (*2), but there are lots of places in OM (as well as philosophy and nature in ...
Practical, Engineering perspectives on Ontological Mathematics as provided by the Pythagorean Illuminati.