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Ontological Math Snigglets # 4

Ontological Math Snigglets # 4 Quotes Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad. - Brian O'Driscoll We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed, and we've been, quite possibly, bamboozled. - Super Colonel Sarge of Red A civilization or individual who cannot burst through its current abstractions is doomed to sterility after a limited period of progress. -Alfred North Whitehead One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea. -Walter Bagehot The MAGA Left You've probably heard of the MAGA right, but what about the MAGA left: Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Amazon? Infinity Infinity is just something that converges on some sort of behavior and then doesn't change once you add to that. You never reach infinity, but you effectively do once you reach this emergent behavior. A circle is a polygon with an infinite number of sides. However, you don't really have to get to an infinit...

Ontological Math Snigglets # 3

Ontological Math Snigglets # 3 On Mike Hockney Mike Hockney: the ultimate OBFH *1. * 1 Opinionated Bastard from Hell. Quotes Desperation is the world's worst cologne. - Debbie Hunt I'm not afraid of the day a computer passes the Turing test. I'm afraid of the day it intentionally fails it. - From the internet I like to drink moderately. As a matter of fact, I have a case of the stuff backstage right now. - Dean Martin You cannot reason someone out of something they were not reasoned into. - Johnathan Swift Metcalfe's Law Metcalfe's law says that the value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of nodes in the network. So a network that has twice the number of nodes, doesn't merely have 2x the utility, but 4x. Not only that, consider a network of 7 nodes that goes to 8 nodes. The utility of the first network is 7 * 7= 49, and of the second 8 * 8=64, for an absolute utility gain of 64 -49= 15. Now consider a network of 1000 nod...

Y-combinators, Q-combinators, Sleight of hand, and Magic

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein The truth is the best adventure. - Jordan Peterson Atheists are right. Just not fully right. - Unknown Introduction The sub-title of this blog is "Ontological Mathematics for Engineers". Usually, I don't emphasize the engineering side of this equation too much, since I assume most of my readers are non-engineers interested in Ontological Math (OM). However, in this post we're going to get a little technical, so it's probably going to mostly appeal to people with an engineering/technical background. Per usual however, if you're not technical, hang in there -- I think you'll still find some useful ideas. The only thing in this article that might scare off some people is the concept of a y-combinator , which comes from fundamental computer Science. But we will only deal with the essence of what it represents, and I promise, you won't have to know ...